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Installing Windows Features

Windows includes a number of features that are available to install but disabled by default. The process for enabling them on Windows Server is a bit different from enabling them on Windows 10/11, but the features are largely the same.

Windows Licensing

Some roles and features require additional licensing. If you install a role or feature that requires a license not covered by your current Windows edition, you will need to purchase that license separately or remove the role/feature.

In this tutorial, we are going to install .Net 3.5, which DOES NOT require any additional licensing. You can follow the steps outlined below for other roles/features as needed by selecting them in Step 4.

  1. Start by opening the "Server Manager".

The Windows Start menu searching for "server" and returning the result "Server Manager".Loading...

  1. Select the "Manage" -> "Add roles and Features" button from the menu buttons on the top right.
    • This will open a "Wizard" which has a number of options other than "Select Features".

The "Add Roles and Features Wizard" Windows application open to the initial state titled "Before you begin".Loading...

The top right of the Server Manager application with the "Manage" section selected from the toolbar and the first option, "Add Roles and Features" highlighted.Loading...

  1. You can click "Next" with all of the default options selected until you get to "Select Features".
  2. Select the features you want to enable/disable from the "Features" list.

The "Features" step of the "Add Roles and Features Wizard" with the first option of the "Features" list selected. The current step is indicated on the right of the wizard and the "Features" list is in the center titled "Features".Loading...

  1. Use the "Next" and "Confirm" buttons.
    • You'll get a list of the features you've selected to be changed and be provided an option to "Restart if Needed".

The "Confirm installation selections"/"Confirm" step of the "Add Roles and Features Wizard" with the selected features to confirm filling the center of the wizard and the "Restart the destination server automatically if required" toggle in the above it.Loading...

  1. Wait for the installation to finish.

The "Installation Process"/"Results" step of the "Add Roles and Features Wizard" with a progress bar above the features selected to install. Loading...

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